Constructed by: Alexander Liebeskind & Jeff Chen
Edited by: Rich Norris
Today’s Reveal Answer: Thrown for a Loop
Circled letters in the grid spell out “BOOMERANG”, and are in a BOOMERANG shape. Also, themed answers are phrases reminiscent of a BOOMERANG’S flight path:
- 19A *Failed-delivery words : RETURN TO SENDER
- 37A *Arrives back at square one : COMES FULL CIRCLE
- 53A *Bamboozled … and what the circled letters, when connected in the proper sequence, can be? : THROWN FOR A LOOP
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Bill’s time: 8m 34s
Bill’s errors: 0
Today’s Wiki-est Amazonian Googlies
1 Spec. for tires : PSI
Pounds per square inch (PSI) is a measure of pressure.
4 Alphabetical lunch : BLT
The BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato) is the second-most popular sandwich in the US, after the plain old ham sandwich.
10 PC component : CPU
The central processing unit (CPU) is the main component on the motherboard of a computer. The CPU is the part of the computer that carries out most of the functions required by a program. Nowadays you can get CPUs in everything from cars to telephones.
15 Searches, like a pig does for truffles : ROOTLES
To “rootle” around is to “root” around, to dig with the snout.
Truffles are rooted out by pigs, or by specially trained dogs. The reason why pigs, especially sows, are so attracted to truffles is that there is a chemical compound found within the truffle that is very similar to androstenol, a sex pheromone found in the saliva of boars.
18 Starts up again : REBOOTS
The verb “to boot”, as used in the world of computers, comes from the phrase “pull oneself up by one’s bootstraps”. The idea is that the software that has to be loaded before a computer can do anything useful is called a “bootstrap load”.
26 Home of Triple-A baseball’s Rainiers : TACOMA
The Rainiers are a AAA affiliate of the Seattle Mariners baseball team located in Tacoma, Washington. The Rainiers have their roots in the Tacoma Tigers who first played in Tacoma in 1904, having moved from Sacramento.
32 Order to leave : SCAT
Our word “scat!” means “get lost!” It comes from a 19th-century expression “quicker than s’cat”, which meant “in a great hurry”. The original phrase probably came from the words “hiss” and “cat”.
35 Eyeroll inducer, perhaps, briefly : PDA
Public display of affection (PDA)
42 Dubai’s fed. : UAE
Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the federation known as the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The two largest members of the UAE (geographically) are Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the only two of the seven members that have veto power over UAE policy.
43 Information : DATA
Our word “data” (singular “datum”) comes from the Latin “datum” meaning “given”. The idea is that data are “things given”.
48 Granola bit : OAT
The names “Granola” and “Granula” were trademarked back in the late 1800s for whole-grain foods that were crumbled and baked until crisp. Granola was created in Dansville, New York in 1894.
53 *Bamboozled … and what the circled letters, when connected in the proper sequence, can be? : THROWN FOR A LOOP
It’s thought that the lovely word “bamboozle” came into English from the Scottish “bombaze” meaning “perplex”. We’ve been using “bamboozle” since the very early 1700s.
61 Oxford campus : OLE MISS
“Ole Miss” is the nickname for the University of Mississippi located in Oxford, Mississippi. The name “Ole Miss” dates back to 1897, the first year a student yearbook was published. The graduating class held a competition to name the yearbook and “Ole Miss” emerged as the winner. The name stuck to the yearbook, and also as a nickname for the school itself. The University of Mississippi sports teams have been known as the Rebels since 1936. Prior to 1936, they were known as the Mississippi Flood.
65 Neruda wrote one to “things” : ODE
“Odes to Common Things” is a collection of poems by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. Included in the list of 25 odes is “Ode to the Table”, “Ode to the Dog”, “Ode to the Artichoke”, “Ode to French Fries” and “Ode to Things”.
67 Naval initials : USS
The abbreviation “USS” stands for “United States Ship”. The practice of naming US Navy vessels in a standard format didn’t start until 1907, when President Theodore Roosevelt issued an executive order that addressed the issue.
68 46-yr.-old satire : SNL
NBC first aired a form of “Saturday Night Live” (SNL) in 1975 under the title “NBC’s Saturday Night”. The show was actually created to give Johnny Carson some time off from “The Tonight Show”. Back then “The Tonight Show” had a weekend episode, and Carson convinced NBC to pull the Saturday or Sunday recordings off the air and hold them for subsequent weeknights in which Carson needed a break. NBC turned to Lorne Michaels and asked him to put together a variety show to fill the vacant slot, and he came up with what we now call “Saturday Night Live”.
1 Wilbur of “Charlotte’s Web,” e.g. : PIG
“Charlotte’s Web” is a children’s novel by author E. B. White. Charlotte is a barn spider, who manages to save the life of a pig named Wilbur. Wilbur is a pet pig, owned by the farmer’s daughter, Fern Arable. The story also includes a gluttonous rat named Templeton who provides some light and comical moments.
4 Many air rifles : BB GUNS
A BB gun is an air pistol or rifle that shoots birdshot known as BBs. Birdshot comes in a number of different sizes, from size 9 (0.070″ in diameter) to size FF (.230″). Birdshot that is size BB (0.180″ in diameter) gives the airgun its name.
5 Trilogy with hobbits: Abbr. : LOTR
“Lord of the Rings” (LOTR)
6 1982 sci-fi film set in a computer : TRON
Released in 1982, Disney’s “Tron” was one of the first mainstream films to make extensive use of computer graphics. The main role in the movie is played by Jeff Bridges. The original spawned a 2010 sequel called “Tron: Legacy”, as well as a 2012 TV show called “Tron: Uprising”.
9 Iced tea brand named for a Florida neighborhood : SOBE
The brand name “SoBe” can be found on teas, juices and bottled waters. SoBe is an abbreviation for South Beach, the neighborhood in Miami Beach, Florida.
11 Best on drums : PETE
Musician Pete Best is most famous as the first drummer with the Beatles. Famously, Best was sacked from the band by manager Brian Epstein. However, Epstein took this step reluctantly, and at the request of Lennon, McCartney and Harrison. Several stories have emerged about why the decision was made, but it seems that record producers at Parlophone were insisting that a session drummer be used in the band’s first recordings, and things snowballed from there. And of course, Best was soon replaced by Ringo Starr.
12 Cold War initials : USSR
The term “Cold War” was coined by novelist George Orwell in a 1945 essay about the atomic bomb. Orwell described a world under threat of nuclear war as having a “peace that is no peace”, in a permanent state of “cold war”. The specific use of “cold war” to describe the tension between the Eastern bloc and the Western allies is attributed to a 1947 speech by Bernard Baruch, adviser to Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
14 Predators named for their prey : ANTEATERS
Anteaters tear open ant and termite nests using their sharp claws and then eat up the eggs, larvae and mature ants using their tongues. They have very sticky saliva which coats the tongue hence making the feeding very efficient. The tongue also moves very quickly, flicking in and out of the mouth at about 150 times per minute.
24 Beach lotion meas. : SPF
In theory, the sun protection factor (SPF) is a calibrated measure of the effectiveness of a sunscreen in protecting the skin from harmful UV rays. The idea is that if you wear a lotion with say SPF 20, then it takes 20 times as much UV radiation to cause the skin to burn than it would take without protection. I say just stay out of the sun …
25 School URL ending : EDU
The .edu domain was one of the six original generic top-level domains specified. The complete original list is:
- .com (commercial enterprise)
- .net (entity involved in network infrastructure e.g. an ISP)
- .mil (US military)
- .org (not-for-profit organization)
- .gov (US federal government entity)
- .edu (college-level educational institution)
27 NFL’s Cardinals, on scoreboards : ARI
The Arizona Cardinals were founded in 1898 as the Chicago Cardinals. That makes the Cardinals the oldest, continuously-run, professional football team in the whole country.
28 Bridge locales : CARD ROOMS
The version of the card game bridge that is played mostly today is contract bridge. Auction bridge is a similar game, and is a precursor to contract bridge.
29 Penguin predator : ORCA
Penguins are flightless, aquatic birds that spend half their lives on land, and half in the sea. All species of penguins, bar one, live in the southern hemisphere. The one species found north of the equator is the Galápagos penguin that is endemic to the Galápagos Islands located west of Ecuador. Adult male penguins are called cocks, females are hens, and the young are chicks. A group of penguins in the water is a raft, and on land is a waddle. Apt, and cute …
33 JavaScript lines, say : CODE
JavaScript is a computer programming language that is mainly used as an integral part of web browsers. The language was developed at Netscape in the days of the Browser Wars with Microsoft. It was developed under the codename Mocha and the first official release was called LiveScript. The name was changed to JavaScript in a blatant attempt by Netscape to cash in on the reputation of Sun Microsystem’s Java language.
34 “Famous” cookie guy : AMOS
Wally Amos was a talent agent, one who was in the habit of taking home-baked cookies with him as an enticement to get celebrities to see him. He was urged by friends to open a cookie store (the cookies were that delicious, I guess) and this he did in Los Angeles in 1975 using the name “Famous Amos”. The store was a smash hit and he was able to build on the success by introducing his cookies into supermarkets. The brand was eventually purchased, making Wally a rich man, and Famous Amos cookies are still flying off the shelf. Wally Amos also became an energetic literacy advocate. He hosted 30 TV programs in 1987 entitled “Learn to Read” that provided reading instruction targeted at adults.
39 Asian language : LAO
Lao, the language of Laos, does not use spaces between words (or periods!), although this is apparently changing. Spaces are used between sentences and clauses.
40 Road Runner frame : CEL
Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner are two much-loved cartoon characters from Warner Bros. Wile E. Coyote was created first, and Road Runner was invented as someone for Wile E. to play off. I love this cartoon; it’s definitely one of the best …
45 Beethoven’s “Waldstein,” e.g. : SONATA
In addition to 5 cello sonatas and 10 violin sonatas, Ludwig van Beethoven composed 35 piano sonatas. The most famous of his sonatas that have acquired names are probably the “Pathétique”, “Moonlight”, “Waldstein” and “Appassionata”. I should add that, until relatively recently, the count of Beethoven’s sonatas was accepted as 32. Nowadays, the total is said to include 3 previously uncounted sonatas, composed when he was just 12 years old.
47 Where to see strikes but not strikeouts : ALLEYS
In bowling, a spare is recorded on a score sheet with a forward slash mark. A strike is recorded with a large letter X.
52 One of three companies in the Seiko Group : EPSON
Seiko Epson is a Japanese company, and one of the largest manufacturers of printers in the world. The company has its roots in the watch business, roots that go back to 1942. Seiko was chosen as the official timekeeper for the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo and was asked to supply a timer that produced a printed record. This request brought Seiko into the business of printer production. The company developed the world’s first mini-printer for the 1964 Games and called it EP-101 (with “EP” standing for Electronic Printer). In 1975 Seiko introduced the next generation of EP printers which was called EPSON, from “SON of EP”. Cute, huh?
Watch manufacturer Seiko was founded as a watch and jewelry shop in Tokyo in 1881. The store was opened by one Kintaro Hattori, who started to produce clocks under the name Seikosha, which can be translated as “House of Exquisite Workmanship”. The first Seiko watches went on sale in 1924, and today the company suggests that the name “Seiko” is Japanese for “exquisite” and “success”.
53 This clue has on : TYPO
There’s a typo; “on” should be “one”.
56 Symbol of wisdom : OWL
The Greek goddess Athena (sometimes “Athene”) is often associated with wisdom, among other attributes. In many representations. Athena is depicted with an owl sitting on her head. It is this linkage of the owl with the goddess of wisdom that led to today’s perception of the owl as being “wise”. Athena’s Roman counterpart was Minerva.
58 Amazon Fire TV Stick alternative : ROKU
Roku is a manufacturer of digital media players that allow access to audio and video programming over the Internet that is shown on television. Roku was founded in Los Gatos, California in 2002 by Anthony Wood. Wood chose the company name “Roku” as it is the Japanese word for “six”, and Roku is the sixth company that Wood founded. For what it’s worth, Rokus are my streaming devices of choice …
Fire TV is Amazon’s digital media player. It is used to deliver audio and video programming to televisions by picking up content from the Internet. I use the smaller version of the player, the Fire TV Stick, quite a lot when traveling.
59 Brew choices : ALES
The many, many different styles of beer can generally be sorted into two groups: ales and lagers. Ales are fermented at relatively warm temperatures for relatively short periods of time, and use top-fermenting yeasts, i.e. yeasts that float on top of the beer as it ferments. Lagers ferment at relatively low temperatures and for relatively long periods of time. Lagers use bottom-fermenting yeasts, i.e. yeasts that fall to the bottom of the beer as it ferments.
62 MLB’s Cardinals, on scoreboards : STL
The St. Louis Cardinals were originally called the “Brown Stockings”, changing their name to the “Perfectos” in 1899. That obviously didn’t go down well with the locals, as the owners changed it one year later to the Cardinals.
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Complete List of Clues/Answers
1 Spec. for tires : PSI
4 Alphabetical lunch : BLT
7 Show stoppers : ADS
10 PC component : CPU
13 Close to a delivery : IN LABOR
15 Searches, like a pig does for truffles : ROOTLES
17 Attending : GOING TO
18 Starts up again : REBOOTS
19 *Failed-delivery words : RETURN TO SENDER
21 Perfect spot : EDEN
22 Lease alternative : OWN
23 Bond, say : ASSET
26 Home of Triple-A baseball’s Rainiers : TACOMA
32 Order to leave : SCAT
35 Eyeroll inducer, perhaps, briefly : PDA
36 Not seen as much : RARER
37 *Arrives back at square one : COMES FULL CIRCLE
41 Worship : ADORE
42 Dubai’s fed. : UAE
43 Information : DATA
44 Diddles (around) : MESSES
46 __ opposite : POLAR
48 Granola bit : OAT
50 Folk tail? : -LORE
53 *Bamboozled … and what the circled letters, when connected in the proper sequence, can be? : THROWN FOR A LOOP
60 Incredulous response to an unexpected revelation : YOU WHAT?
61 Oxford campus : OLE MISS
63 Blow off some steam, maybe? : POLLUTE
64 Many a door opening : KEY SLOT
65 Neruda wrote one to “things” : ODE
66 Many a golfer’s aim : PAR
67 Naval initials : USS
68 46-yr.-old satire : SNL
1 Wilbur of “Charlotte’s Web,” e.g. : PIG
2 It might keep you up : SNORE
3 “Fine, you got me” : I LIED
4 Many air rifles : BB GUNS
5 Trilogy with hobbits: Abbr. : LOTR
6 1982 sci-fi film set in a computer : TRON
7 Common keyboard symbol : ARROW
8 “It __ add up” : DOESN’T
9 Iced tea brand named for a Florida neighborhood : SOBE
10 Lump : CLOD
11 Best on drums : PETE
12 Cold War initials : USSR
14 Predators named for their prey : ANTEATERS
16 Overwhelming homework amount : TON
20 Equal, as a sum : TOTAL UP TO
24 Beach lotion meas. : SPF
25 School URL ending : EDU
27 NFL’s Cardinals, on scoreboards : ARI
28 Bridge locales : CARD ROOMS
29 Penguin predator : ORCA
30 Tuna __ : MELT
31 Geometry figure : AREA
32 Bit of trickery : SCAM
33 JavaScript lines, say : CODE
34 “Famous” cookie guy : AMOS
38 “Get the picture?” : SEE?
39 Asian language : LAO
40 Road Runner frame : CEL
45 Beethoven’s “Waldstein,” e.g. : SONATA
47 Where to see strikes but not strikeouts : ALLEYS
49 Subsequently : AFTER
51 Stirs up : ROILS
52 One of three companies in the Seiko Group : EPSON
53 This clue has on : TYPO
54 Rain protection : HOOD
55 “No shirt, no shoes, no service,” e.g. : RULE
56 Symbol of wisdom : OWL
57 Demolish : WHUP
58 Amazon Fire TV Stick alternative : ROKU
59 Brew choices : ALES
62 MLB’s Cardinals, on scoreboards : STL
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