LA Times Crossword 31 Jul 24, Wednesday


Constructed by: Zachary David Levy
Edited by: Patti Varol

Today’s Reveal Answer: Little Women

Themed answers are famous WOMEN whose names start with a synonym of “LITTLE”, sort of …

  • 60A Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy … as well as 17-, 28-, 36-, and 43-Across? : LITTLE WOMEN
  • 17A Grand Ole Opry fixture from 1940 to 1991 : MINNIE PEARL
  • 28A “If These Walls Could Talk” star : DEMI MOORE
  • 36A Actress who played Lucy on “Raising Hope” : BIJOU PHILLIPS
  • 43A Singer born Emma Lee Bunton : BABY SPICE

Read on, or jump to …
… a complete list of answers

Bill’s time: 6m 11s

Bill’s errors: 0

Today’s Wiki-est Amazonian Googlies


1 Snake charming snakes : COBRAS

Snake charmers don’t actually hypnotize their cobras, but they do train them. The snake is trained to “follow” the movement of the end of the pungi, the instrument that the charmer uses in the act. The snake presents no danger to the charmer or the audience, as it is typically defanged or has it’s mouth partially stitched up so that only the tongue can be moved in and out. Not a very nice practice …

11 Many a plaid cap : TAM

A tam o’shanter is a man’s cap worn traditionally by Scotsmen. “Tams” were originally all blue (and called “blue bonnets”) but as more dyes became readily available they became more colorful. The name of the cap comes from the title character of the Robert Burns poem “Tam o’ Shanter”. A pom-pom adorning a tam is known as a toorie.

“Tartan” is sometimes called “plaid” over here in the US, and is a word not used in the same sense outside of this country. In Scotland, a plaid is a blanket or a tartan cloth slung over the shoulder.

15 Like notes that aren’t sharp, briefly : LOFI

Lofi hip hop is a genre of music that combines chill-out music with elements of hip hop. It is a downtempo style that became popular on YouTube in the 2010s. I’m an old fogie who hasn’t learned to appreciate hip hop, but I checked out lofi hip hip, and I like it …

17 Grand Ole Opry fixture from 1940 to 1991 : MINNIE PEARL

“Minnie Pearl” was the stage name of comedian Sarah Cannon. Pearl was best known for appearing as her “Minnie Pearl” character on the TV show “Hee Haw for over 20 years.

19 UFC sport : MMA

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full-contact combat sport in which competitors use a variety of techniques from a variety of traditional combat sports and martial arts.

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is the largest promoter in the world of mixed martial arts competitions. I think the idea is that competitors fight each other in various disciplines to see who is the “best of the best” …

22 Larry’s housemate on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” : LEON

“Curb Your Enthusiasm” is an improv comedy show aired by HBO that was created and stars Larry David, the creator of “Seinfeld”. As an aside, Larry David sat a few feet from me at the next table in a Los Angeles restaurant a few years ago. I have such a huge claim to fame …

24 Estadio chant : OLE!

In Spain, one might hear a shout of “Olé!” in “un estadio” (a stadium).

25 State of matter : SOLID

When I was a schoolkid, I was taught that there were three fundamental states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. I think it is now generally accepted that there is a fourth fundamental state matter, namely plasma. Plasma is a state without a definite shape or volume, and in that sense is similar to a gas. In a plasma, electrons have been ripped away from their nuclei, forming a conductive electron “sea”. Plasmas are created from gases by applying a massive voltage difference or an extremely high temperature.

28 “If These Walls Could Talk” star : DEMI MOORE

Demi Moore was born Demetria Guynes and took the name Demi Moore when she married her first husband, Freddy Moore. Moore’s second husband was Bruce Willis. She changed her name to Demi Guynes Kutcher a few years after marrying her third husband, Ashton Kutcher. However, Kutcher and Moore split in 2013.

“If These Walls Could Talk” is a TV show anthology in three parts that focuses on three women, in three different times, and their experiences with abortion. Demi Moore leads the 1952 story, Sissy Spacek the 1974 story, and Anne Heche the 1996 story. The show’s title is a reference to the house in which the three women lived.

35 “__ the fields we go … ” : O’ER

The traditional Christmas song “Jingle Bells” was first published in 1857, penned by James Lord Pierpont. We associate the song with Christmas, although in fact Pierpont wrote it as a celebration of Thanksgiving.

Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O’er the fields we go
Laughing all the way

36 Actress who played Lucy on “Raising Hope” : BIJOU PHILLIPS

Bijou Phillips is a retired actress, and daughter of John Philips, leader of the Mamas & the Papas vocal group.

“Raising Hope” is a sitcom that aired for four seasons starting in 2010. It’s about a young man who is left alone to raise an illegitimate daughter after her serial killer mother is sentenced to death. Quite the storyline …

40 Check writer’s need : PEN

Checks and checking accounts caused me some language trouble when I first came to the US. Back in Ireland (and the UK) we write “cheques” using funds from our “current” accounts.

42 Pit stop brand : STP

STP is a brand name of automotive lubricants and additives. The name “STP” is an initialism standing for “Scientifically Treated Petroleum”.

43 Singer born Emma Lee Bunton : BABY SPICE

“Baby Spice” is a stage name of Emma Binton, one of the five Spice Girls. She earned her nickname in the group because she was the youngest member.

51 Driveway sealant : TAR

The terms “tarmac” and “macadam” are short for “tarmacadam”. In the 1800s, Scotsman John Loudon McAdam developed a style of road known as “macadam”. Macadam had a top-layer of crushed stone and gravel laid over larger stones. The macadam also had a convex cross-section so that water tended to drain to the sides. In 1901, a significant improvement was made by English engineer Edgar Purnell Hooley who introduced tar into the macadam, improving the resistance to water damage and practically eliminating dust. The “tar-penetration macadam” is the basis of what we now call “tarmac”.

53 Special attention, for short : TLC

Tender loving care (TLC)

55 Kit filled with money and passports, in spy movies : GO BAG

A bug-out bag (also “go bag”) is a portable collection of items that one would grab when evacuating from a disaster. One well-accepted guideline is that a bug-out bag contains all that would be needed to survive for 72 hours. A related kit is a get-home bag that might be kept in one’s car or place of work. A get-home bag contains the items needed to get back home in the absence of public transportation. My wife and I put together bug-out bags a few years ago, after moving into an area that is at high risk for wildfires …

59 Nomadic invader : HUN

The Huns were a nomadic people who originated in Eastern Europe in the 4th century. Under the command of Attila the Hun they developed a unified empire that stretched from modern-day Germany across to the steppes of Central Asia. The whole of the Hunnic Empire collapsed within a year of Attila’s death in 453 AD.

60 Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy … as well as 17-, 28-, 36-, and 43-Across? : LITTLE WOMEN

“Little Women” is a novel written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The quartet of “little women” comprises Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March. Jo is a tomboy, the main character in the story, and is based on Alcott herself.

62 MDW alternative : ORD

Midway Airport (MDW) started off with just one cinder runway in 1923, and was called Chicago Air Park. By 1927 the airport had expanded and earned the name Chicago Municipal Airport. In 1932 Midway was the world’s busiest airport, a title it held for thirty years. In 1949, in honor of the WWII Battle of Midway, the airport was renamed again to Chicago Midway Airport. Then in 1955, along came Chicago International Airport and all the major airlines started moving their operations over to the newer facility. Today, Midway is a major hub for Southwest.


1 Cell component? : CAMERA

What we mostly call a “cell phone” here in North America is more usually referred to as a “mobile phone” in Britain and Ireland. My favorite term for the device is used in Germany, where it is called a “Handy”.

3 Congo ape : BONOBO

The bonobo used to be called the pygmy chimpanzee, and is a cousin of the common chimpanzee. The bonobo is an endangered species that is now found in the wild only in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa. Along with the common chimpanzee, the bonobo is the closest species to humans genetically.

4 Box score total : RUNS

In the world of sports, a box score lists the score of a game as well as achievements of the competing teams and team members.

5 “The Phantom Menace” boy : ANI

“Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace” was the fourth film released in the “Star Wars” franchise, and the first in a prequel trilogy (the first three films were Episodes IV, V & VI). “The Phantom Menace” was released in 1999, twenty-two years after the original “Star Wars” movie, and sixteen years after the previous episode, “Return of the Jedi”.

7 Teeny circus performer : FLEA

In a real flea circus, fleas are attached to miniature items that create the illusion that the fleas are performing circus acts. The fleas are harnessed by wrapping a metal wire around their bodies, which is then attached to props. Because fleas have such strong legs, they can then move objects that are a lot larger than they are. Apparently, the concept of a flea circus originated with watchmakers in the early 1800s. The artisans used the “circus” to demonstrate their metalworking abilities.

8 Nutrient-rich soil : LOAM

Loam is soil made up of sand, silt and clay in the ratio of about 40-40-20. Relative to other soil types, loam is usually rich in nutrients and moisture, drains well and is easy to till. Loam can also be used in constructing houses as it is quite strong when mixed with straw and dried.

11 Narrative device employed in “Russian Doll” : TIME LOOP

“Russian Doll” is a comedy-drama TV show starring Natasha Lyonne as a woman who is caught in a time loop on the day of her 36th birthday party. She dies on that day, and spends each repeat of the day to figure out exactly what happened to her. I haven’t seen this one yet, but it does sound very interesting …

12 Some tall antiques : ARMOIRES

“Armoire” is the French word for “wardrobe”, and is used in English for a standing closet that stores clothes.

24 How caviar may be served : ON TOAST

Caviar is the roe of a large fish that has been salted and seasoned, and especially the roe of a sturgeon. Beluga caviar comes from the beluga sturgeon, which is found primarily in the Caspian Sea. It is the most expensive type of caviar in the world. 8 ounces of US-farmed beluga caviar can be purchased through for just over $850, in case you’re feeling peckish …

25 Ore refinery : SMELTER

Metals are found in ore in the form of oxides. In order to get pure metal from the ore, the ore is heated and the metal oxides within are reduced (i.e. the oxygen is removed) in the chemical process known as smelting. The oxygen is extracted by adding a source of carbon or carbon monoxide which uses up the excess oxygen atoms to make carbon dioxide, a waste product of smelting (and, a greenhouse gas).

27 Koothrappali on “The Big Bang Theory” : RAJ

Raj Koothrappali is a character on the sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” who is played by British-Indian actor Kunal Nayyar. Nayyar is married to Neha Kapur, a former Miss India.

30 __ tai : MAI

The mai tai cocktail is strongly associated with the Polynesian islands, but the drink was supposedly invented in 1944 in Trader Vic’s restaurant in Oakland, California. One recipe is 6 parts white rum, 3 parts orange curaçao, 3 parts orgeat syrup, 1 part rock candy syrup, 2 parts fresh lime juice, all mixed with ice and then a float added of 6 parts dark rum. “Maita’i” is the Tahitian word for “good”.

36 Tofu, essentially : BEAN CURD

“Tofu” is a name for bean curd, and is a Japanese word meaning just that … bean that has curdled. Tofu is produced by coagulating soy milk, using either salt or something acidic. Once the protein has coagulated, the curds are pressed into the familiar blocks. Personally I love tofu, but my wife absolutely hates it …

40 “Wild Kratts,” e.g. : PBS SHOW

“Wild Kratts” is a TV show that airs as part of the PBS Kids lineup. The aim of the show is to educate children on the biological sciences.

47 John who played Blackie Parrish on “General Hospital” : STAMOS

Actor John Stamos is best known as the star of the sitcom “Full House”, although he also played Dr. Tony Gates on the medical drama “ER”. Outside of acting, Stamos is quite the musician, playing drums and guitar. He has appeared in concerts and recorded with the Beach Boys several times.

55 __ the lily : GILD

To gild is to coat with gold. The phrase “to gild the lily” means to add unnecessary ornamentation, to try to improve something that is already ideal.

57 AC measures : BTUS

In the world of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), the power of a heating or cooling unit can be measured using the British Thermal Unit (BTU). This dated unit is the amount of energy required to heat a pound of water so that the water’s temperature increases by one degree Fahrenheit.

58 Ellipse points : FOCI

One way to envision the two foci of an ellipse is to imagine two nails sticking up out of a board, placed a small distance apart. A loop of string is placed on the board, with the nails in the middle. A pen is placed inside the loop, and moved as far away from the nails as possible, confined by the string. The pen is then run around the nails, stretching out the string so that it is taut. The pen will draw an ellipse, and the point where the nails are, they are the ellipse’s two foci.

60 Language along the Mekong : LAO

Lao, the language of Laos, does not use spaces between words (or periods!), although this is apparently changing. Spaces are used between sentences and clauses.

At over 2,700 miles in length, the Mekong is the twelfth longest river in the world. It rises in the Tibetan Plateau and empties into the South China Sea at the famed Mekong Delta in Vietnam.

Complete List of Clues/Answers


1 Snake charming snakes : COBRAS
7 Lacking pep : FLAT
11 Many a plaid cap : TAM
14 Damage, in a way : AMOUNT
15 Like notes that aren’t sharp, briefly : LOFI
16 Fuming feeling : IRE
17 Grand Ole Opry fixture from 1940 to 1991 : MINNIE PEARL
19 UFC sport : MMA
20 Sources of jealousy, perhaps : EGOS
21 Avis rival : ALAMO
22 Larry’s housemate on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” : LEON
23 Pilfer : ROB
24 Estadio chant : OLE!
25 State of matter : SOLID
26 Dress up : ADORN
28 “If These Walls Could Talk” star : DEMI MOORE
32 NL East city : ATL
34 Account : TALE
35 “__ the fields we go … ” : O’ER
36 Actress who played Lucy on “Raising Hope” : BIJOU PHILLIPS
40 Check writer’s need : PEN
41 Mine, en français : A MOI
42 Pit stop brand : STP
43 Singer born Emma Lee Bunton : BABY SPICE
46 Abates : EASES
50 Hound’s sniffer : SNOUT
51 Driveway sealant : TAR
53 Special attention, for short : TLC
54 Pond blanket : SCUM
55 Kit filled with money and passports, in spy movies : GO BAG
58 Film transition : FADE
59 Nomadic invader : HUN
60 Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy … as well as 17-, 28-, 36-, and 43-Across? : LITTLE WOMEN
62 MDW alternative : ORD
63 Family name in baseball’s only all-brother outfield : ALOU
64 On the house : NO COST
65 Thesis pieces, briefly : WDS
66 Lyric tributes : ODES
67 Unforeseen plot elements : TWISTS


1 Cell component? : CAMERA
2 “Whoa” : OMIGOD
3 Congo ape : BONOBO
4 Box score total : RUNS
5 “The Phantom Menace” boy : ANI
6 Absolute bargain : STEAL
7 Teeny circus performer : FLEA
8 Nutrient-rich soil : LOAM
9 Naturally curly style : AFRO
10 “Fake it __ you make it” : ‘TIL
11 Narrative device employed in “Russian Doll” : TIME LOOP
12 Some tall antiques : ARMOIRES
13 Wander aimlessly : MEANDER
18 Responded in court : PLED
22 Water closet : LOO
24 How caviar may be served : ON TOAST
25 Ore refinery : SMELTER
27 Koothrappali on “The Big Bang Theory” : RAJ
29 Guiding principle : ETHIC
30 __ tai : MAI
31 Misfortunes : ILLS
33 Sum thing? : LUMP
36 Tofu, essentially : BEAN CURD
37 Not out of play : INBOUNDS
38 Luau bowlful : POI
39 Letters on some beer cans : IPA
40 “Wild Kratts,” e.g. : PBS SHOW
44 “Love it” : YUM
45 Citation abbr. : ET AL
47 John who played Blackie Parrish on “General Hospital” : STAMOS
48 Most senior : ELDEST
49 Hound’s trails : SCENTS
52 Book deal negotiator : AGENT
55 __ the lily : GILD
56 Oklahoma Natives : OTOE
57 AC measures : BTUS
58 Ellipse points : FOCI
60 Language along the Mekong : LAO
61 Blow away : WOW