Constructed by: Barbara Lin
Edited by: Patti Varol
Today’s Reveal Answer: Hold It!
Themed answers are all things that one might HOLD:
- 58A “Not so fast!,” or what one can do with 20-, 27-, 45-, and 53-Across : HOLD IT!
- 20A Hard core exercise? : PLANK POSITION
- 27A Conference room activity : STAFF MEETING
- 45A Portal to another level : ELEVATOR DOOR
- 53A Postgraduate pursuit : MASTER’S DEGREE
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Bill’s time: 6m 16s
Bill’s errors: 0
Today’s Wiki-est Amazonian Googlies
9 Beer ingredient : MALT
Malt is germinated cereal grains that have been dried. The cereal is germinated by soaking it in water, and then germination is halted by drying the grains with hot air.
16 Conversely, briefly : OTOH
On the other hand (OTOH)
18 Polish brand at a nail salon : OPI
Opi (originally “Odontorium Products Inc.”) is a manufacturer of nail polish based in North Hollywood, California. One of Opi’s marketing coups was the introduction of a line of Legally Blonde 2 polishes, which featured in the film.
19 Egg on : URGE
The verb “to edge” has been used to mean to incite, to urge on, from the 16th century. Somewhere along the way “edge” was mistakenly replaced with “egg”, giving us our term “to egg on” meaning “to goad”.
23 Syst. of hand symbols : ASL
American Sign Language (ASL)
25 Photographer Goldin : NAN
Nan Goldin is an American photographer who works out of New York, Berlin and Paris. She is known for her work featuring LGBT models, and for images highlighting the HIV crisis and the opioid epidemic.
26 Beehive State resident : UTAHAN
When Mormon pioneers were settling what is today the state of Utah, they referred to the area as Deseret, a word that means “beehive” according to the Book of Mormon. Today Utah is known as the Beehive State and there is a beehive symbol on the Utah state flag. In 1959, “Industry” was even chosen as the state motto, for the term’s association with the beehive.
30 Tofu source : SOYA
“Tofu” is a name for bean curd, and is a Japanese word meaning just that … bean that has curdled. Tofu is produced by coagulating soy milk, using either salt or something acidic. Once the protein has coagulated, the curds are pressed into the familiar blocks. Personally I love tofu, but my wife absolutely hates it …
32 Actress Sarandon : SUSAN
Actress Susan Sarandon was born Susan Tomalin in Queens, New York. Although Sarandon played in some notable films from 1969 onwards, it was her appearance opposite Kevin Costner and Tim Robbins in 1988’s “Bull Durham” that truly propelled her into the limelight.
36 Daredevil Knievel : EVEL
Daredevil Evel Knievel contracted hepatitis C from the many blood transfusions that he needed after injuries incurred during stunts. He had to have a liver transplant as a result, but his health declined after that. Knievel eventually passed away in 2007.
37 Angioplasty tube : STENT
Angioplasty (“angio”, for short) is a mechanical widening of a narrowed artery. In the surgical procedure, a balloon catheter is inflated at the point of the obstruction to open up the artery. A stent may then be inserted to make sure the vessel remains open.
44 Oblong tomato : ROMA
The Roma tomato isn’t considered an heirloom variety but it is very popular with home gardeners, especially those gardeners that don’t have a lot of space. It is a bush type (as opposed to vine type) and needs very little room to provide a lot of tomatoes.
52 Best 5K times, e.g. : PRS
Personal record (PR)
56 Constellation bear : URSA
The constellation Ursa Major (Latin for “Larger Bear”) is often just called “the Big Dipper” because of the resemblance of its main stars to a ladle or dipper. Those stars also resemble a plow, and that’s what we usually call the same constellation back in Ireland the “Plough”.
Ursa Minor (Latin for “Smaller Bear”) sits right beside the constellation Draco (Latin for “Dragon”). Ursa Minor used to be considered the wing of Draco, and was once called “Dragon’s Wing”. The tail of the “Smaller Bear” might also be considered as the handle of a ladle, and so the constellation is often referred to as the Little Dipper.
57 Buckeye State sch. : OSU
Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus was founded back in 1870 as the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College. The athletic teams of OSU are called the Buckeyes, named after the state tree of Ohio. In turn the buckeye tree gets its name from the appearance of its fruit, a dark nut with a light patch thought to resemble a “buck’s eye”. The school’s athletic mascot was introduced in 1965, and is an anthropomorphic buckeye nut named Brutus Buckeye.
64 13-Across’s override : STET
[13A Expert in resolving tense situations? : EDITOR]
“Stet” is a Latin word meaning “let it stand”. In editorial work, the typesetter is instructed to disregard any change previously marked by writing the word “stet” and then underscoring that change with a line of dots or dashes.
65 Yellowstone ruminant : ELK
Yellowstone was the first National Park to be established in the world when it was designated as such by President Grant in 1872. What a great tradition it started! The American National Parks are truly a treasure …
1 __ Z: Zoomers : GEN
Definitions vary, but it seems that the term “Generation Z” is reserved for the children of “Generation X”, and for the generation that follows the “Millennials” (Generation Y). Gen-Zers are also known as “Zoomers”, a portmanteau of “Z” and “boomer” (as in “baby boomer”).
2 Automotive prefix with meter : ODO-
An odometer measures distance traveled. “Odometer comes from the Greek “hodos” meaning “path” and “metron” meaning “measure”.
4 Slanted type, for short : ITAL
Italic type leans to the right, and is often used to provide emphasis in text. The style is known as “italic” because the stylized calligraphic form of writing originated in Italy, probably in the Vatican.
8 Figure skater Yamaguchi : KRISTI
Kristi Yamaguchi is a figure skater, an Olympic champion in 1992. She is quite the dancer too, having won “Dancing with the Stars” in 2008. Yamaguchi started skating and taking ballet as a young child as physical therapy, as she had club feet …
22 Writers McEwan and Fleming : IANS
Ian McEwan is an English novelist with a track record of writing well-received novels. His most famous work of recent years I would say is “Atonement” which has benefited from the success of a fabulous movie adaptation released in 2007.
The character James Bond was the creation of writer Ian Fleming. Fleming “stole” the James Bond name from an American ornithologist. The number “007” was “stolen” from the real-life, 16th-century English spy named John Dee. Dee would sign his reports to Queen Elizabeth I with a stylized “007” to indicate that the reports were for “her eyes only”. There’s an entertaining miniseries that aired on BBC America called “Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond” that details Ian Fleming’s military career, and draws some nice parallels between Fleming’s experiences and aspirations and those of his hero James Bond. Recommended …
29 Kagan of the Supreme Court : ELENA
Elena Kagan was the Solicitor General of the United States who replaced Justice John Paul Stevens on the US Supreme Court. That made Justice Kagan the first female US Solicitor General and the fourth female US Supreme Court justice. I hear she is a fan of Jane Austen, and used to reread “Pride and Prejudice” once a year. Not a bad thing to do, I’d say …
38 “The Hunchback of __ Dame” : NOTRE
The title character in Victor Hugo’s novel “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame” is Quasimodo, the hunch-backed bell-ringer . Quasimodo falls for the beautiful Roma girl Esmeralda, and eventually rescues her just before she is due to be hanged. He carries Esmeralda into Notre-Dame crying out “Sanctuary!” There is some recent evidence that a hunchbacked stone carver, working at Notre-Dame at the same time Hugo was alive, may have been the inspiration for Quasimodo the bell-ringer.
46 Liechtenstein’s continent : EUROPE
Liechtenstein is a tiny European country with an area of just over 61 square miles that is located in the Alps between Switzerland and Austria. It is one of only two doubly-landlocked nations in the world, the other being Uzbekistan. Liechtenstein has the highest gross domestic product per person in the world. The country is a winter sports haven attracting lots of visitors, and is also a tax haven with a strong financial center. There are actually more registered companies in Liechtenstein than there are citizens!
49 Divination deck with 78 cards : TAROT
In a 78-card tarot deck, the picture cards are referred to as the Major Arcana. The remaining cards are known as the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana included The Fool, the Wheel of Fortune, the Hanged Man, and Death.
59 Here, in Québec : ICI
Québec is the largest province in Canada, and the only one with French as its sole official language. The name “Québec” comes from an Algonquin word “kebec” meaning “where the river narrows”. This refers to the area around Quebec City where the St. Lawrence River narrows as it flows through a gap lined by steep cliffs. The province has voted twice in referenda asking whether or not Quebec should become an independent country, once in 1980, and again in 1995. The 1995 result was 49% in favor of sovereignty, up from 40% in 1980.
60 CBD-like compound in some edibles : THC
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical extracted from cannabis plants that is used as a herbal drug. It does not contain the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is responsible for the marijuana “high”.
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Complete List of Clues/Answers
1 Make a splashy attempt : GO BIG
6 Cartoon cry of alarm : ACK!
9 Beer ingredient : MALT
13 Expert in resolving tense situations? : EDITOR
15 __ favor: please, in Spanish : POR
16 Conversely, briefly : OTOH
17 Mark in the margin : NOTATE
18 Polish brand at a nail salon : OPI
19 Egg on : URGE
20 Hard core exercise? : PLANK POSITION
23 Syst. of hand symbols : ASL
25 Photographer Goldin : NAN
26 Beehive State resident : UTAHAN
27 Conference room activity : STAFF MEETING
30 Tofu source : SOYA
31 Right-angle bend : ELL
32 Actress Sarandon : SUSAN
36 Daredevil Knievel : EVEL
37 Angioplasty tube : STENT
40 Land unit : ACRE
41 Succinct : TERSE
43 Neither here __ there : NOR
44 Oblong tomato : ROMA
45 Portal to another level : ELEVATOR DOOR
49 Sneezer’s need : TISSUE
51 Feel bad about : RUE
52 Best 5K times, e.g. : PRS
53 Postgraduate pursuit : MASTER’S DEGREE
56 Constellation bear : URSA
57 Buckeye State sch. : OSU
58 “Not so fast!,” or what one can do with 20-, 27-, 45-, and 53-Across : HOLD IT!
61 Tart-tasting : SOUR
62 Writing tool : PEN
63 To the max : SO MUCH
64 13-Across’s override : STET
65 Yellowstone ruminant : ELK
66 Matter of debate : TOPIC
1 __ Z: Zoomers : GEN
2 Automotive prefix with meter : ODO-
3 Performer with a small role : BIT PLAYER
4 Slanted type, for short : ITAL
5 Failed, in a way : GOT AN F
6 Informal pricing words : A POP
7 Flimsy excuse : COP-OUT
8 Figure skater Yamaguchi : KRISTI
9 Device that protects teeth and gums : MOUTH GUARD
10 Bright and airy areas of some malls : ATRIA
11 Connect after entering credentials : LOG ON
12 “And __ what happened?” : THEN
14 Gives a new handle to, as a rescue pet : RENAMES
21 Prepared to propose, possibly : KNELT
22 Writers McEwan and Fleming : IANS
23 Money in the bank, say : ASSET
24 Hot appliance : STOVE
28 Sprinter’s before-the-gun error : FALSE START
29 Kagan of the Supreme Court : ELENA
33 Grabbed with both hands : SCOOPED UP
34 Knight’s suit : ARMOR
35 Comes close : NEARS
38 “The Hunchback of __ Dame” : NOTRE
39 Slop holders on a farm : TROUGHS
42 Otherwise : ELSE
46 Liechtenstein’s continent : EUROPE
47 Boat or gravy boat : VESSEL
48 Propagate anew : RE-ROOT
49 Divination deck with 78 cards : TAROT
50 Matter of debate : ISSUE
53 Dishevel, with “up” : MUSS …
54 Action with a basketball or a cookie : DUNK
55 Ticklish Muppet : ELMO
59 Here, in Québec : ICI
60 CBD-like compound in some edibles : THC
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11 thoughts on “LA Times Crossword 28 May 24, Tuesday”
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I enjoyed this puzzle, even without getting the theme until Bill’s explanation.
The better answer for 6A would have been “EEK”. Not familiar with “ACK”
Never heard of the abbreviation “PRS” in 52A.
18:14. Fairly smooth sailing
Hi Wally,
Personal Record(s)
Basically tracking your own best as a bragging rights if you are a non competitive runner. 🙂
The author of the comic strip “Cathy” had her Cathy character regularly use “ack” when she was alarmed at something.
See Kannan V’s post re: PRs.
11 min. No errors
Pretty tame grid today
No errors…needed crosses for 20A and still don’t know what it is.
Stay safe😀
Go Orioles⚾️
OPI seems to be showing up a lot lately.
8:43, no errors.
Agree with TomR: “OPI = nail polish” clue is now permanently lodged in my brain (replacing OPI = German grandfather)
I think the German word for “grandfather” is “OPA”, rather than “OPI”. That said, I’ve had a hard time fixing the new (to me) word “OPI” in my head; maybe this exchange will help.
8:08 – no errors or lookups. False start: MESS>MUSS.
Nothing new or forgotten on this one.
The theme was easy enough to understand.
An interesting cross at square 50 with “TISSUE & ISSUE.”
Mostly easy Tuesday for me; took 11:25 with a little bit of dithering here and there.
Had to change eeK to ACK, hops to MALT and LOG iN to LOG ON.
Kind of looked at the theme while doing the puzzle, but it didn’t immediately come to mind.