16 thoughts on “LA Times Crossword 19 Jan 25, Sunday”

  1. 44 min, 2 errors. Neither word o which I’m familiar with.
    ENTY vs ENBY

    they put CBD in pet treats?
    Sheesh, you suppose they put CBD in my Oreo cookies? Explains why I’m tired after eating 10 of them!

    Ole Tanya Tucker seems to be popular in the crossword puzzle world lately. It’s a nice change from NEE or GEE or OREO or etc…

  2. 28:28, no errors. Not a fan of the stated theme – Rank & File are terms used in chess to indicate rows & columns, respectively, of the board. Themed fills go down in logical rank order but are all over the place when it comes to the columns.
    Theme still doesn’t make sense if we ignore chess & go by the common meaning of the phrase “rank and file” as the ordinary members of a group as opposed to the leadership.

  3. 32 minutes. I didn’t know enby or busker or ter.
    Also, Carole King’s Tapestry came out in 1971, not 1951. 🙂

  4. 28:53 Would’ve been quicker but for some reason Linda Blair’s name escaped me, and the crosses didn’t help (can’t keep my horses straight, didn’t know the teen sleuth, and was going with “top of the heap” for a while). Fun theme, although it didn’t really help much in solving.

    Btw, Bill, Carole King’s Tapestry was released in 1971, not 1951.

  5. 27 mins. No errors today.

    ENBY and TER are new to me but both fell into place with associated answers.

  6. 17 mins 58 seconds and needed Check Grid help on 6 fills. Not bad for a grid of this size.

  7. Theme didn’t, and doesn’t, make sense to me. Got most of the themed answers without it. (Dear Hubby is more familiar with Dante than I am.) “Rank and file” aren’t numbered in my brain, and I didn’t catch the numerical sequence in the clues.

  8. No look ups, no errors. A little tougher than
    usual Sunday Puzzle I thought. Never
    saw a Rhyme nor Reason to the theme so
    no help there. “make an oopsie” Really?

  9. 29:50 – no errors or lookups. False starts: ADAGE>AXIOM, RAVERS>RAGERS.

    New or forgotten: TRIXIE Belden, Duane READE, “pipian verde,” “choli,” EVO Championships.

    A self-evident theme that “counts down” the grid in the themed clues, but I agree with Bill J. re: use of “rank and file.”

    Overall, a good Sunday puzzle.

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  12. For the explanation of 3-down, you wrote “Carole King’s marvelous 1951 album…”. It should be 1971. (In 1951 she was only 9.)

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