19 thoughts on “LA Times Crossword 13 Jan 24, Saturday”

  1. Got about half way in 15 minutes then bogged down…

    Some of the cluing was like a saturday newday stumper.

    Rustic decor? – CART?
    Individual account? – CENSUS?

  2. Wisely gave up quickly. Olivia Pope? Never heard of her. Kerry Washington? Never heard of her. And the beat goes on.

  3. 36 minutes with errors in the NW (I had BACKED for 19A, then SACKED and never got to STAKED) and with 28D (the Santana clue, I had TAP IN as a cross instead of TIP IN, etc.). Typical Saturday puzzle…

  4. Could not get on the same page as Kyle the constructor…some really obscure clues that seemed to have many possibilities…and some kinda “dumb”

  5. I agree with Pat; just another “aren’t I cute” puzzle.
    Actually, the thought that goes into making the clues so obscure that (normal) people will be at a loss (or don’t care), makes me wonder if those authors have a social life.
    So, on a Saturday, I just look at the comments and then we’re off to do things.

  6. Whew! 33:27 with one look up for the Santana song. I was completely stumped in the SW corner until that lookup.


    New or forgotten: DAN Patrick, EMANUEL Ax, “A SEA of troubles,” CARDIGAN song, TANACH, MARIAMARIA, “Angel’s Landing,” La fanciulla del WEST.”

    It was the usual “slog fest” of a Saturday. As Dirk would stay, a lot of “dancing around” various answers, some trial-and-error (actual as well as mental) to get something that fits and see if it works.

    A few tricksy clues such as “page by phone” (swipe?), peak-ed, Curry (spice, favor, person), “studied for life.”

    I used to give up on Saturdays, but now I know they’re solvable, even if it takes a lookup or two; and so I stick with it.

  7. Some clever clues, some just…as others have said here, “Saturday Puzzle” trash. This one had too many of the latter for me. I got the lower right corner and a few others, then gave up.

  8. @Eric – have fun in Cuba.

    Check out all the relics of 1950’s American cars still running with Japanese engines in them!

    I guess you can’t Internet connect there and get the US?

    Be Well.

  9. 10 minutes, 20 seconds before giving up, with less than half filled.

    Impossibly clued. “Bluster” does not equate with “rant”. Among several others.

  10. Took too long and almost threw the towel in
    but was able to finish a real slog fest! Too
    many evil mis-directs with strategic PPP’s
    thrown in to boot. Not much fun….
    Changes on the fly, toss/lose bone/menu
    tap in/tip in acts/opts. Never heard of
    I agree with Pat!

  11. The problem for me is that in this puzzle, there is no consistency in levels of obscurity from clue to clue; they’re all over the place.

  12. Too tricky for me today; took 40:41 with 6, I think, errors and several check-grids – 10ish. Actually gave up around 20-25% fill, with my first 3 errors. Plodded along to the finish, doing surprisingly well considering I really had no idea on a lot of them and was just making WAGs – like with MARIA MARIA, which actually worked!! Most of my troubles were in the W-SW. I just needed a clue or two to get the other sectors.

    Listened to “Cardigan” – my first Taylor Swift song, all the way through..meh!

    @Ray C. – Thanks for the mention, except today I just kind of danced my way into a corner.

  13. That was ugly. Hope the puzzlemaker liked it–it would be sad if no one did.

    Finished with one letter wrong. Had never heard of ‘tip in’ but had seen ‘tap in’ a time or two–though only in crosswords. Didn’t know the Santana song but ‘Mara a Maria’ was a possibility. It would mean something like ‘Mara to Maria’ in Spanish so that fit with ‘tap in’ as a reasonable answer.

    Just too many clue answer combos that were stretched past the breaking point. I feel kind of dirty that I came as close as I did to finishing it with no errors since it could be seen as a sort of validation of the puzzlemaker’s work and I surely don’t want that.

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